Saturday, June 25, 2011


So we got some possibly amazing news tonight. Jared absolutely hates his job here. He has been so miserable. We both hate being so far away from everyone.  And I really dislike this place pretty strongly.

Jared's friend may be able to get him a job where he would make more money and work less as a whole and we could move back home! The absolute only 2 downsides are that he will be working a dangerous job and he will be gone 3 weeks at a time to be home 3 weeks at a time. I really will miss him like crazy for 3 weeks! But having him home 3 solid weeks will be amazing! Peyton will actually get to spend time with her daddy other than a kiss good morning and a kiss good night and seeing him one day a week. I will get to see him more, and see him happyvwhich makes me happy. Ah I so hope he gets it!!! The three weeks wouldn't be as bad either because we would live by family and friends that could visit!!!

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