Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A year of breastfeeding!

I made it to my first goal! I'm barely hanging on supply wise, so right now it's more half and half breast milk and formula, but she is a year old and still drinking mommy milk! And the first six months she was exclusively breastfed. I have relaxed a lot on my pumping schedule just for my sanity's sake, being up every 2-3 hours was a little absurd. So I usually don't get up over nifty anymore, and i pump every 3 hours when I am awake. It is so much easier this way. I can't wait until I am done because I am going to set this double electric personal pump on fire. Oh not really! I will pass it on to some other poor mother who has decided to torture herself. That pump is the most loved and hated material object in my house. I love that it gives me the chanc to do what I wanted to do for my daughter that I couldnt do myself. I hate it, well dairy cows only get milked twice a day I'm just saying. I love that we still have this little bond between us, I will be very sad when it's over I am sure. I want a trophy....a big one! And a cookie...please?

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