We had both finally gotten over our disappointment of not being able to have a baby. I had always been told I wouldn't be able to. I always had wacky cycles so I thought nothing of it when I skipped 2 months. But then I started getting sleepy and nauseous. I made him buy me a test and I took it. I came out and told him he needed to go buy me another test. It was positive and that wasn't possible. I was already 2 months pregnant.
In July we had our first doctors visit and we heard the heartbeat. Our hearts melted. The next appointment we found out it was a girl! I felt her kick soon after that. Most amazing indescribable feeling ever. I had a very easy pregnancy healthwise. Emotion wise I was a mess! We were so broke. Jared had no clients and my job wasn't paying the bills alone. We almost starved countless times. Jared donated plasma constantly. It was a scary time. But with help of family and friends we made it through.
She was due December 24th. The Sunday before her due date I woke up at 2 am with my first painful contractions. I stayed up 3 hours in horrible pain really thinking I was in labor. I had the idea I wanted to labor mostly at home. The hospital was 5 minutes away and I was comfortable there. The contractions went away. I spent the next week having horrible contractions. I walked, I took flights of stairs, I prayed for this baby to cone out already! I was miserable.
Christmas day we were planning on going to visit family. I woke up with light contractions. We had breakfast, they got worse. I went for a walk to see if they were real. We decided to go in. No one was at the hospital. While trying to find where to check in we got trapped in a room with an automatic door and another door that was locked. I panicked. I was going to give birth in this room, I knew it. Miraculously someone came through the locked door and we escaped.
We were checked in and the nurses decided to keep me. I hate needles. Somehow I made it through the IV and the epidural...seriously I have no idea how. I talked with Jared and his brother and his wife and my grandma all through my labor. Thank you epidural. Jared and I even took a nap 2 hours before she arrived. Seriously get that epidural ladies! Finally the time came. I pushed and pushed and screamed at Jared to feed me ice chips until I could push no more. The doctor prepared to have to do an episiotomy. And then I threw up from eating so much ice. And everyone started freaking out saying keep going! So I dry heaved and ta-da! Baby Peyton arrived after 20 hours of (really not that bad at all) labor.
Aww, that's the best Christmas story ever. :)