Monday, May 30, 2011

To blog.

I have blogged since I was 16. I think I started on I've never been very good at it but I still love it. Just throw your thoughts out to the entire universe and see what happens. After opendiary I had a livejournal and then a MySpace. Thankfully none of these blogs exist anymore. My entire teenage life I broadcasted to the world. I'm not sure that was very smart. But here I am again baring my thoughts to a universe that I'm not really even sure is listening. I just love writing. There is something therapeutic about it.

And we will begin with where I am now. My life is perfect to me the way it is right now. If I could stop and replay a moment forever it would be this moment. The last five months have been the greatest of my life. My Daughter is five months old. She is perfect and wonderful and all of my heart. The pieces she hasn't stolen belong to her daddy. He is the greatest man alive and sorry girls hes all mine. He is a man of God which is the number one trait in a man in my eyes. He is funny, charismatic, handsome, and loving. He is my best friend and my best relationship by a long shot. He works hard at a job he hates so that I can stay home with Peyton. I love him and I can't wait to marry him. My family life was well non existant growing up. So this is my first real chance at a family. I love it. I finally found where I belong and for once my heart feels whole.

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